If you’re driven to break your record of maximum push-up reps, then start this 3-week workout program to help you reach 25 push-up reps in a row!

  • 3
  • 10
    Average duration
  • No equipment
1695 ratings

Is one of your ultimate fitness goals being able to do 25 push-ups in a row? Then it’s time for you to start FizzUp’s Push program! After just three weeks, you’ll finally be able to achieve those 25 strict push-ups! This FizzUp program was designed to help those who can already do 10 push-ups in a row increase their max push-up reps.

Ever heard the saying, “Practice makes perfect”? That’s the philosophy behind the Push program! If you want to increase your max push-up reps, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is not doing enough of them. Using this regimented workout plan, you’ll easily be able to do several workouts a week. But listening to your body is also important. As you’ll discover, this program intelligently regulates volume and intensity so that your body can recover, build muscle and get stronger.

The main goal of Push is to help you boost the maximum number of push-ups you can do. But it will build strength and upper-body muscle while it perfects your push-up technique, too. We’ve designed this program to cover every aspect of physical conditioning involved in push-up training. Strength, muscle mass, muscular endurance, mobility, core strength and injury prevention… Push does it all!

This program uses volume and intensity variations you can adjust to match your fitness level, making it easy for you to gradually improve until you’re able to do longer sets of push-ups. If you think the program is too hard, then go to your settings to change the difficulty as you need to make sure the program is right for you.

If you’re ready to turn yourself into a push-up pro, then start FizzUp’s Push program now! Watch your number of max push-up reps skyrocket thanks to FizzUp and this routine!

  • Nolan
    "The perfect push-up program! In less than 3 weeks, I improved my technique and increased my max from 14 to 25 reps in a row! My best advice for this program? Stick with it all the way to the end, even when it gets tough!"
  • William
    "Amazing routine. My goal was to do over 30 push-ups in a row for a physical fitness test and I was able to do that by the end of this program. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone willing to push their limits!"