The program you need to get a totally tubular torso!

  • 3
  • 20
    Average duration
  • No equipment
35462 ratings

What do you want in your perfect body? Prominent pecs and abs of steel? Then what are you waiting for? FizzUp’s Malibu program is here to get you a bigger torso and chisel your chest in just three weeks. Just your body weight and a pull-up bar are all you need to do the variety of exercises included in this program.

To sculpt your back and chest, your Malibu program contains abs exercises and key upper body exercises such as pull-ups and push-ups. You’ll try a range of pull-up variations using different grips that will work all your pec muscles and target the area between them. Become a push-up pro as you do all kinds of push-ups by changing the width between your hands and the position of your chest and legs. Besides building your pecs, this program will also beef up your arms and sculpt your back. You’ll notice your abs more and more thanks to traditional static, dynamic and core exercises. These movements fortify your abdominal wall to give you the six-pack you’ve always wanted.

The Malibu program is completely personalizable. Because we adapt it to suit your fitness level and physical potential, you’ll make progress during every workout without evening realizing it. To get fast results, you have to follow your program to the letter. Sticking to your workout routine is how you’ll make a change in your torso. When you pair it with the eating habits that get you the right amounts of protein and carbs, you’ll go above and beyond your goal with your FizzUp program. Get FizzUp Premium to gain access to our nutrition feature and give yourself every chance of success.

Stop dreaming and start doing with the Malibu program! Pec building with FizzUp will get you the upper body you crave.

  • Kevin
    "Thanks to this program, I finally feel great shirtless. I feel so much more confident and now I love working out!"
  • Caleb
    "I recommend this program if you're looking to make your abs pop a little in no time!"
  • Luke
    "I loved this program! The trainer's a blast and I started seeing results after just 1 month of working out! I'm finally started to see my six-pack! ?"