Introducing Stretch 2, the next installment of FizzUp’s stretching program, which is packed with exercises to challenge your wellness and flexibility.
Spend hours a day sitting? Feel stiff as a board? Suffer from back pain or knee pain? Have rounded shoulders? Looking for a comprehensive home exercise stretching program? Now is the time to take action and fight the harmful effects of an inactive lifestyle with Stretch 2.
Although stretching is often neglected because of a lack of knowledge or the wrong program, maintaining your flexibility is essential for your physical health and performance.
Stretch 2 is a three-week bodyweight stretching flexibility program. It mobilizes your entire body with loads of new content that’s more intense than the first Stretch program.
No matter who you are, stretching and mobility with Stretch 2 for a few minutes a day offers a range of benefits, such as:
Whether you’re a seasoned athlete looking for a post-workout recovery plan or you’re a beginner who wants to ease everyday stiffness, Stretch 2 is for you.
Like the first installment, you’ll get four complete stretching sessions a week combined with a dedicated warm-up. You can also opt to supplement your session with additional exercises for:
Best of all, your session doesn’t have to last hours and hours. Reap the rewards with the simple stretches and sessions that last 10 minutes max and can be done anytime, anywhere!
For a full body stretching routine, roll out your mat and start Stretch 2 now!
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workouts :
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Difficulty :
Trapezius, biceps, triceps, forearms, pectorals, abs, glutes, adductors, calves, back, shoulders, hips, arms, thighs.
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