The Biggest Fitness Revolution of All Time

FizzUp is working to create a new fitness experience that listens to your body and gets you moving at your own pace. This approach is what drives every update and the evolution of our services so that your workout experience never stops meeting your changing fitness needs and expectations. Today, I’d like to tell you about a new approach to revolutionized fitness training that we just finished fine-tuning after 14 months of research and development.

We listened to your feedback

Your opinions are what drive our research and I really appreciate all of our users’ excellent feedback, which is what started the biggest fitness revolution of all time. We’ve just implemented this revolution and today I encourage you to give it a try. With tens of thousands of workouts saved, we were able to pinpoint FizzUp’s the biggest areas of improvement, which we then we studied and corrected. After 14 months of research and testing, the new FizzUp fitness training (available with update 1.18) will give you more variety and more results, as it continues to reduce your workout time.

Breaking down this new approach

We have a huge challenge to fulfill when you sign up for FizzUp: help you put a healthy Rhythm in your everyday fitness routine. To do this, we had to answer a complex question: how do we help you make progress and keep your from losing your motivation? The answer seems obvious, but in reality, it’s a pretty difficult one to answer, because it goes against a number of fitness training approaches, many of which push the idea that you need to suffer and always push yourself beyond your limits in order to make progress. We decided to prove to you that suffering doesn’t measure the progress your body is making and that in order to keep you motivated to exercise, working out actually needs to be something you enjoy.

Our research has led us to explore new fitness training methods that give you long-lasting results and help you make significant progress by reducing the effort you put into your workouts, both in terms of your their length and frequency. Several tests have enabled us to reduce workout length by 35%, perceived difficulty of the exercises by 70%, while preserving 80% of your initial progress curve, which makes up the first major innovation in FizzUp’s new fitness training.


The second big innovation in FizzUp’s new fitness training involves workout variety. Getting a new workout every time you exercise will really get you motivated. But we needed to drive this innovation by having you repeat certain exercises throughout a given level so that your body learns the correct techniques and memorizes the movements in order to build your muscle chains and their tendons. Bringing together repetition and variety was a real challenge for us. Today, we’re giving you one of the most original solutions to this problem. Our new protocols bring you the ultimate variety from one workout to the next so that you don’t get bored. However, you’ll continue to reap the benefits of repeated exercises, which is the most effective way to get results.

The third significant innovation in the new FizzUp fitness training method is that there are new exercises and new workout models for 2016/2017. We’ve tweaked the planning of the exercises in your workout so that it has more diversity and gets you better results. This also includes new workout models for the warm-ups, strength training, abdominal and cardio exercises, not to mention the stretching session. By the same token, you’ll also discover a new level of difficulty for abdominal and cardio exercises in a few weeks, which you can use to better adapt your workout to your physical ability. These new models will give you 100 new workout variations that include the latest trends in exercise to the numerous suggestions we received from our users!

How to get the new FizzUp fitness training

The new FizzUp fitness training is currently only available to FizzUp PRO members, and will be automatically activated for them when they start their next level.

So, what are you waiting for? Try the most revolutionary fitness training of all time!

We’re proud to be bringing you the biggest fitness revolution of all time. Enjoy your fitness training that’s now more fun, varied and motivating than ever! With these innovations, you can now take your body transformation to the next level.  Feel free to give us any feedback on your new workout content!

Further reading

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